The official inauguration of the poetic benches, put in place by the ASA, took place on Saturday 1st of January 2017. The press was present and the regional television came the next day to make a report on the event.
Report prepared by the FR3 01/22/2017
Article written by the newspaper “L’Eclaireur” on 23/01/2016.
Some twenty poetic benches remain to be adopted.
It was in front of a score of people that took place the inauguration of the poetic benches last Saturday at the Bois de Cise. An operation initiated last November by the ASA-Bois de Cise and which immediately proved to be a success.
11 benches already adopted
No less than 11 benches are currently adopted and three others reserved. “The objective is twofold,” said Sylvie Macquet, president of the ASA. “First, to make Cisiens the actors of the embellishment and enhancement of the site, and also to participate in the village label in poetry which was obtained by the city of Ault last year. The principle is simple: the sponsor or godmother (father) makes a donation of 130 euros to the ASA for 3 years. The ASA is in charge of posing a poetic plaque on the bench with a verse of the adoper’choice.
For lovers of the Bois de Cise
After three years, the adoption is renewed. The ASA remains the owner of the bench and ensures its maintenance. “The idea came from one of our trustees, Michel Wagon, and was then taken up again under the sign of poetry,” adds Sylvie Macquet. There are still about 20 benches to be adopted and we are happy to count among the sponsors Belgian and Dutch Cisiens and also outsiders in love with the site. The bench, which was inaugurated, was adopted by Marc and Annie Houriez, the children of Marcel Houriez, director of the ASA for 14 years and who left his mark in the association. It is a way of paying him a respected tribute after he died two months ago, said Sylvie Macquet.